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Lesson 7: Unit review.

In lesson 7, students will review the contents related to the parts of the body.


Fill the pags

Write the part of the body that corresponds to each number.

Number 1 is .

Number 2 is .

Number 3 is .

Number 4 is

Number 5 is .

Number 6 is .

Number 7 .

Number 8 is .

Number 9 is .

Number 10 is .

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Pregunta Verdadero-Falso

Read the sentences and write true (verdadero) or false (falso).

Pregunta 1

1. I listen with my ears.

Pregunta 2

2. I see with my mouth

Pregunta 3

3. I smell with my nose.

Pregunta 4

4. I touch with my ears.

Pregunta 5

5. I listen to music with my ears

Pregunta 6

6. I taste with my nose.

Pregunta 7

7. I smell with my nose.

Pregunta 8

8. I taste with my mouth