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Lesson 7: Unit Review.

In lesson 7, students will review the contents related with toys.

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Write the correct word in each number.

See the picture and write the word that corresponds in each number. 

Number 1 is a .

Number 2 is a .

Number 3 is a .

Number 4 is a .

Number 5 is  a .

Number 6 is a .

Number 7 is a .

Number 8 is a .

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Choose true (verdadero) or false (falso).

Choose true (verdadero) or false (falso). Take into account the song on the previous lesson!.

Pregunta 1

1. The guitar is made of wood.

Pregunta 2

2. The doll is made of metal.

Pregunta 3

3. The bike is made of paper.

Pregunta 4

4. The skateboard is made of wood.

Pregunta 5

5. The book is made of paper.

Pregunta 6

6. The doll is made of plastic.

Pregunta 7

7. The scooter is made of plastic.